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My Vegetable Calendar for 2017

You might have seen some of the sneak-peeks of my 2017 vegetable calendar. I’m so excited that it’s almost complete. It will be available at Portland Open Studios

I chose vegetables this year because I eat them every day, 

they’re beautiful to look at, and there are SO many of them!

I discovered the Vegetables by Month chart by Cook Smarts, in my research. It’s a handy and beautiful way to make sure you’re buying your veggies at their peaks! 

I’ve had fun this summer going to the Portland Farmers Market to buy vegetables… 

(and fruits, and flowers, and listen to music…) 

and create them into still lifes … 

 and do some color studies.

 I’ve done studies of the reds in beets, red onions, and tomatoes…. 

and the amazing orange hues in carrots, yellow beets, and pumpkins. 

I had an idea of how to make the calendar even more fun…to add in recipes and stories from my friends.

So, here’s my request:

If you have a favorite recipe featuring one of the following vegetables, please send it to me—along with a short story about the recipe. It could be why it’s your family’s favorite, how your mother/grandma taught you to make it, or that time you served it at a fun dinner party, etc. And, I would like to send you one a cd calendar (small desk size), as a thank you gift!

DEADLINE: midnight PST on Thursday, September 15. 

LENGTH: 250 words or less for recipe + story together. 

CONTRIBUTOR: I can use your name or leave it anonymous—just let me know which you prefer. 🙂

Here’s the line-up of vegetables for 2017.

Choose your favorite one—and have at it!

My mouth is already watering in anticipation of the FANTASTIC recipes I know you will contribute!

  • beets

  • bok choy

  • pumpkin

  • carrot

  • red pepper

  • red onion

  • tomatoes 

  • garlic, rosemary

  • brussel sprouts 

  • asparagus

  • artichoke

  • eggplant

Gotta share!

Here is this little boy, at the Farmers Market, holding an artichoke!

I couldn’t resist sharing one of my favorite Little Rascals scenes of Stymie

“It might choke arti, but it ain’t gonna choke Stymie.” 🙂

Listening to while I paint:


Watership Down, by Richard Adams, narrated by Ralph Cosham


Building a Story Brand, hosted by Donald Miller American’s Test Kitchen, hosted by Christopher Kimball Online Marketing Made Easy, hosted by Amy Porterfield

Beyond the To-Do List, hosted by Erik Fisher

Artists Helping Artists, hosted by Leslie Saeta

Social Media Examiner, hosted by Michael Stelzner Splendid Table, hosted by Lynne Rossetto Kasper

Robcast, hosted by Rob Bell

Music: My iPod Pandora


©2024 Annie Salness Artist. All rights reserved.
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