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Spoons, ©Annie Salness, 16”x16”x1.5”, mixed-media, framed

Spoons is part of my Kithchen Tools and Recipe 2024 Calendar.



The best part about collaborating with someone is how I am invited into a particular story or memory associated with the subject of the painting. This series is no different! Olivia, mother of 3, graciously offered me this recipe and its story. She told me she used a wooden spoon for "Special Pasta." 

Olivia is the founder of "Mom What's Next," a community-driven resource used by families to help them get out of the house and into their neighborhood! Please give her a follow, especially if you have small children in your family. @momwhatnextpdx 

Thank you, Olivia, for letting me into this special story and memory! 


“This is a recipe my dad made up, and our entire family, old & new, loves it! We do it for everyone’s birthdays and usually once a week. We call it Special Pasta.”

-Olivia Carter,


Spoons - SOLD

    ©2024 Annie Salness Artist. All rights reserved.
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